Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wisdom Teeth Wednesday

Happy Thursday everyone!!!  I gotta give myself a pat on the back for posting three times this week! Whew, maybe I am catching on the blogging bug! 

Anywho, yesterday I playing the teacher role with my kiddos, coach with my basketball team and then nurse for the boy!  School was a typical day, basketball workouts had a couple college coach visitors I needed to entertain and then I played Nurse for Mr. Tough Guy, who had his wisdom teeth pulled... Now all week he complained about the pain (all of us ladies know how men whine of sickness or pain) and then said his surgery wasn't going to hurt...  I kept saying it was going to be rough, but nooooooooo he didn't listen.  Well boy did it hit him hard yesterday!!!

Yes, he "said" he was thirsty and had to write his notes....the few times he did speak it was quite the message... Boy did those pain pills make him a little nutty..
I SOOOO Should win Girlfriend of the Year for running out to Chick Fil A at 9:00 last night to get him milkshakes!
Off to teach the rest of the day ti ny darlings!!!  Looks like jumprope is on my horizon at recess for now on!!! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Things

Happy Tuesday Friends!  I think I am officially getting the hang of this Blogger business... just need to find me some sponsors (any ideas??) and some followers!

Anywho, its been quite the chilly couple of mornings here in the DMV...and as much as I LOVE dressing up in my local Tarjay...

......yesterday was the comfy cozy type of teacher attire day!

Today was no different, I forgot to take a picture though... and I made my usual stop at the local Starbucks to give me my "pep to my step" and to make the morning of my dear friend and co-worker Share-bear! :)

Sooooo every year as a faculty we try to sport a theme for our Halloween costumes... one year we were the Grey's Anatomy docs, then we were cereal box characters (I was the Honey Nut Cheerios bee) and last year a couple of us were.... wait for ittt......
Yesssss, Rock, Paper, Scissors!!!!!
This year, Ms. Rock (Ms. R & ATHB) organized this year's theme....
It's going to be FABULOUS!!! I am the coveted Charlie Brown!!! CAN'T WAITTTTT!!!
Anywho, in other news the boy has been miserable the past week or so with his mouth, so he's getting his wisdom teeth removed as I type... he's been trying to play "Mr. Tough Guy" about it, but I think he's been FREAKIN'!!!!  I guess I go from Ms. H the teacher, to Coach Hayley to Nurse Hayley later on....
Have a great Tuesday!!! If you wanna sponsor me, puh-lease leave me a shout!!! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekend Travels

Sheeeeeeeshhhhh! I know, I know, I promised last time I'd be better at posting, but I have been swamped so much that I haven't had the time to breathe!  I've been so busy, I now even bring my personal laptop to school to get work done during lunch, snack, recess, whatever minutes I have to spare!!!  Anywho, I have been on the go go go lately- and yes I have pictures to share and talk about these adventures!

First up was Virginia Tech a couple weekends ago- now as we all know I am a teacher and a coach, so I left afterschool on a Friday and was supposed to take one of my players with me to see the campus, attend a football game and hang out with the basketball staff, BUT she cancelled so I still went and made it a weekend trip with the boy.  Let me say, he enjoyed the visit probably more then I did.. So Friday night we drove, boy was it loooooonnnnggg and stayed in Roanoke at a hotel where ironically the football team stayed at!  It was super gorg!!!

We got up early the next morning to head to their open gym and facility tour, golly was everything nice!  I had a great day, one of their assistants is a friend of mine and we laughed all darn day! 
Next, we headed over to the football stadium to catch the game- our seats were PERFECT, 45 yd line, couple rows up... only downside was that it downpoured at halftime and we had to abandon ship!!
We said our goodbyes to the staff and quickly ran into the bookstore where I HAD to try on this little goody! :) hehehe last weekend, we were in town but Saturday was all kinds of CRAZYYYYY!  We started out the day heading to the Farmer's Market to pick up some produce, bread and other seasonal goodies... I drool over these flowers every time... Aren't they beautifullllll?!?!
Afterwards we bolted down to my fall league game, to the boy's football game and then we headed to FedEx Field... where MY REDSKINS play to meet my friend Danielle... the WVU Superfan for the WVU vs. James Madison football game.  We had a blast... who cares our tickets were like a million miles high in the sky, we had a great Saturday night watching those Mountaineers stomp JMU!
The marching bands of these teams were EXTREME!! If I had any ounce of musical ability in me, I'm sure I'd appreciate it more, but their performance and choreography was NUTS!!
I was dead dog tired when we got home, I fell right to sleep and was so thankful my basketball duties were done for the weekend... the boy had to get up though for his morning workout and yowzerss... was he slowww moving!  He knew how bad I wanted those flowers from the market that on his way home from the gym he brought me some "flowers to tie you over till you get your real ones at the market" :) I was a happy girl!
So that was my last few weekends in a nutshell, even though it felt like a novel!!!!
This past week was all kinds of crazy too...but I'm gonna promise from here on forward that I'll be a better poster!!!!! :) .... or at least I'll try!  The boy is having his wisdom teeth pulled Tuesday, so he's been hurting... gonna be a good girlfriend and make him some baked ziti... his favorite! 
I wish weekends and Football Sundays would last foreverrrrrrr! Have a great week everyone!